Wednesday, June 18, 2008


He lived inside a hair salon. The pink perfume and aroma of hairspray ran through my veins. Door painted purple; Next painted pink. Alongside that was a blue room; and a large room for security. Wind gently swept in through the window pane; as I hid into a safer place. I did not lie to him, as many times as I can recall. The many times; oh they are plenty of times I've cried and begged. That is all. I saw that boy just yesterday. With the pretty blue eyes; that swam through you and i; all that was left from the screams; they played. Though my grammar isn't fit for a Queen, and my sofa isn't made for pleasent dreams. You sat so long, thinking, waiting... hoping that I'd...

Sit down until there were no more screams. Bumble Bees and matured fiends they all stuck me into a bottle; and flew off into the night. Do I miss that room, or just being out of sight? All that followed me captured the twinkle in his eyes. The suprise of winning the peace while Upside down; all around you didn't ever seem to care. About anything, BUT that hair. The ride was spinning as I stare at his curls today. They fall out of place, and his laugh is what I heard; far away he blurred so; blurry i felt and sorrow he glistened. While together, we did not glance back.

Wouldn't say I lost him.

more like,
I just saw that boy yesterday...

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