Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Second new Post.

My grades:

Literature: A!! 96%
Choir: A!!
History: D+ (A big improvement)
Biology: B+
Geometry: D (Really hard to pass for me)
French: Eh... well you get how my grades have improved... or at least I am proud of most of them =D

& the Math Test everybody takes, I ALMOST passed. That is Okay, I'll do it again, blah blah blah.

My teachers said really nice things to me the last day of school. Things they have never said Before. My math teacher told me that I've shown great improvement and I have had a better attitude towards class and work. Which is true, and is nice to have her notice.
My English teacher said he loved my writing, and wouldn't have graded it anything less than an A, and that made me feel accomplished.

I didn't get a few jobs I applied for. But that's Okay! The Clothing store, The Ice Cream Parlor. Except I dropped off an application a few days ago at Wendy's. I went in today and spoke to the manager and he said he wants to call me immediately Monday Morning. Wish me luck, even though I'm lucky enough on my own. ;)

My license: Not yet, but I figure it's a good thing. =P

Uhh and I miss Arizona a lot... a lot.

And those pictures will show up, I'm really truly sorry about them being so late.

I got a hair-do change today and i'll post pictures tomorrow. It is really cute. It'll be black and blond with some pink underneath. I wanted to make it more dark instead of crazy colors considering I don't know how my appearance needs to be if I am serious about getting a job.


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